Some Masters Slaves Some

Some Masters Slaves Some Production is a handicraft company “Made in Italy” that deals with the embodimentne of equipment and accessories fetish and bdsm. The production ranges from accessories such as harness and bracelets, to more complex items such as masks and bondage items for up to equipture for furniture such as cages, crosses of St. Andrew and sling.
Lost-tional accessories are manufactured using so prevalent industrial raw rubber, which is subject to suffer, and show signs of wear that highlight even more the rough and worn look. Some specific characteristics of products Masters Some Slaves Production is the mix of different genres, from different periods, as well as various BDSM techniques.
For example, an exclusive item of Some Masters Slaves Some Produc-tion is the pro bondage harness offering a rubber and metal to which fixed-King ropes for bondage, bondage to joining the rubber dress code. All items, from furniture equipment in iron or wood, to harness rubber, leather and metal up to smaller utilities, are made exclusively by hand-mind. Each item is therefore a unique piece, created by hand, to stimulate your emotions.
 377 773 0848
catalogo 20117




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Pup Zaush

Pup Zaush

Here's my official page of Mister Puppy Italy on 2017!! Follow me in my adventures!




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